How Hot Could the Bighorn Basin Get This Week?
Written by Andrew-Rossi on August 30, 2022
High temperatures are inevitable, but this week’s weather conditions are a “perfect storm” of heat that could set new record high temperatures across Wyoming.
Wyoming and much of the Rocky Mountain Region will spend the next two weeks at the center of a high-pressure weather system. Unfortunately, that system is bringing plenty of heat to the area.
Wednesday, August 31, and Thursday, September 1, will be the first days of two weeks with high temperatures. But will these temperatures be record-breaking hot?
The National Weather Service Office in Riverton warned Wyomingites about this week’s heat. Now, it’s compiled a list of record-high temperatures for communities throughout Wyoming.
The N.W.S. thinks many communities will break their record highs for August 31 and September 1 – and if they don’t, it’ll get extremely close.
In the Bighorn Basin, Worland’s forecast anticipates a high of 95 degrees Wednesday and 97 degrees Thursday. However, neither temperature will break the records set in 1991 and 1983 (respectively) of 100 degrees. Worland’s daily temperatures have been recorded since 1960.
The good news is a cooldown is anticipated for Friday, September 2. But in this context, “cool” means temperatures in the high 80s.
But . . .
The bad news is temperatures will rise to possible record highs – again – for the weekend and beginning of next week.
Cody’s forecast calls for a high of 90 degrees on Wednesday and 92 degrees on Thursday. Neither of these temperatures are record-breaking.