New Blue Spring "Springs" Back to Life in Yellowstone

New Blue Spring “Springs” Back to Life in Yellowstone

Written by on February 1, 2021

Yellowstone National Park took to Facebook yesterday to announce the New Blue Spring at Mammoth Hot Springs has ended its “recent period of dormancy.”

New Blue Spring

Courtesy Yellowstone National Park Facebook page

The New Blue is part of the Main Terrace Group on Clematis Creek at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone. Rather than being a single pool, the spring is made up of several different vents which means the pool shifts its position occasionally.

Relatively active throughout the recorded history of Yellowstone, the spring started getting quieter in 2005. The volumes of thermal water spilling over its edges began to lessen and the pool became more contained. In recent years, the pool usually appears empty.

This is yet another sign of the dynamic, changing nature of Yellowstone.

In August 2020, park officials observed that the famous Canary Spring entered a dormant period, one of several it experienced over the last century.  That period of dormancy may have ended, but there have been no updates from the park on the spring’s status at this time.

Although it’d be quite a trek in winter, the New Blue Spring is visible along the Mammoth Hot Springs boardwalk between Mound Terrace and Upper Terrace Drive.

Follow Yellowstone National Park on Facebook for photos and updates of the park.

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