New Year, New YOU! | Big Horn Basin Media

New Year, New YOU!

Written by on January 10, 2017

It’s a new year, with new challenges – including your own personal BETTER HEALTH! With the Big Horn Radio Network’s “Losin’ It At Work” promotion, I’m taking the opportunity to give our listeners (and blog readers) some great education and encouragement when it comes to getting healthy.

For those of you who don’t know, in addition to being the news director at the Big Horn Radio Network, I’m a certified holistic nutritionist . I also used to be a Weight Watchers leader, and I help people one-on-one with their weight loss. Weight loss is a personal concern for me – I used to weigh significantly more than I do now, and although I have lost the weight, it’s a daily struggle to make the right choices and keep myself accountable.

I’m leading my team at the Big Horn Radio Network in our “Losin’ It At Work” challenge. Every day, I’ll be sending my team encouragements, tips and ideas for ways that we all can lose weight and live our BEST LIFE! So I’m sharing those tips with you, as well!

Today I want to encourage you to TRACK what you eat. You can download an app on your phone called “My Fitness Pal” – it’s a great tool that helps you track what you eat, set goals, and gives you credit for calories burned during exercise. But even if it’s tracking on a piece of paper, I want you to pay attention to every bite you take in.

Stay tuned to my blog for more tips and encouragements to keep you motivated to live your BEST LIFE!

– Wendy Corr

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