Park County Facing Funding Shortage | Big Horn Basin Media

Park County Facing Funding Shortage

Written by on July 17, 2019

Due to a decrease in projected revenue, the Park County Commissioners are taking steps to try to balance this year’s budget.

The Commissioners sent out a letter Tuesday detailing their concerns about the $1.2 million dollar shortfall. The commissioners yesterday voted to tap into the county’s reserve account for the time being, but noted that action was just a temporary fix.

The Commissioners voted to put a freeze on all hiring, as well as eliminating any merit pay increases. They acknowledged the difficulty of the decision, noting that the employees are, quote, “the greatest asset to Park County,” endquote.

The Commissioners have appointed members to a budget committee, which is charged with researching ways to cut costs and increase revenue, with a goal of recommending solutions to the economic crunch by the end of this calendar year. Commissioner Dossie Overfield says the committee will have their first meeting today.

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