Payne Leaves Big Shoes to Fill
Written by Andrew-Rossi on June 5, 2018
It’s the end of an era for City leadership in Cody.
After almost 23 years, Public Works Director Steve Payne retired from City service last week. He leaves behind a wealth of knowledge, and a City that has grown under his watch.
Payne began working for the City in August of 1995, and was promoted to Public Works Director within a few years. His duties were to oversee departments that, while not high-profile, are vital to the lives of Cody residents, such as water, sewer, electricity, sanitation, and street maintenance.
At a retirement celebration for Payne last Friday, Mayor Matt Hall expressed his appreciation for all Payne has done for the community.
Hall said that there are finalists for the Public Works Director position that are set to be interviewed this week. But as City Administrator Barry Cook pointed out, the institutional memory that Payne possesses will be missed.
Hall added that they hope that Payne will stay close to home and offer his thoughts and opinions in the future – but this time, as a citizen of Cody, rather than one who has helped to shape the community.