Potential for Flooding Rises
Written by Andrew-Rossi on March 28, 2018
More snow in the mountains recently has increased the potential for snow melt flooding in the Big Horn Basin.
Mountain snowpack and associated snow water equivalents across central through northwestern Wyoming were generally above to much above average by late March, while basins in southern Wyoming continued to be generally below average.
According to the National Weather Service, snow-water equivalents at the peak elevations were the highest across the Shoshone and Upper Yellowstone Basins at 150 to 160 percent of the average levels.
As a result, there is moderate to high potential for flooding associated with snowmelt runoff expected across upper sections of the South Fork of the Shoshone Watershed, and along headwater creeks and streams along the west side of the Big Horn Mountains. Moderate potential for flooding is forecast across the middle and lower portions of the North and South Forks of the Shoshone River Basin.
The Bureau of Reclamatoin forecasts that inflow to Bighorn Lake will be at 158 percent of the 30 year average, and Buffalo Bill Reservoir can expect inflows at 149 percent of average from April through July.