Powell Passes the Test – Powell P.D. Conducts Underage Alcohol Compliance Check
Written by Andrew-Rossi on December 29, 2022
All eleven establishments selling alcohol in Powell passed a compliance check by the Powell Police Department, ensuring underage buyers don’t get the goods.
On Dec. 28, the Powell Police Department conducted compliance checks of 11 businesses selling alcohol within city limits. The purpose of the checks is to ensure liquor license holders are working to prevent the sale of alcohol to purchasers under the age of 21.
To conduct the compliance check, Powell P.D. enlisted a local volunteer. The volunteer was an adult under 21 who possessed a valid and legal driver’s license, which was shown to every seller that asked.
The eleven establishments that sell alcohol in Powell are:
- Backstreet Pub
- Lamplighter Inn
- The Peaks
- Pizza Hut
- Sage Brew Wine Spirits
- The Market at Powell
- K-Bar Saloon
- Maverik
- Pit Stop #11
- The Red Zone
- Blair’s Market

Courtesy Powell Police Department
Of the 11 Powell establishments that serve alcohol, all of them passed the test – a success rate of 100%.
Persons who sell alcohol to underage minors are subject to a fine of $310.00.
“The businesses and employees who successfully passed the compliance check deserve well-earned congratulations for their diligence in preventing alcohol sales to underage purchasers,” Powell P.D. said in a Facebook post announcing the successful check.
Underage drinking is a potent concern in Park County. In May 2022, the Park County Sheriff’s Office saved an intoxicated teen in the early stages of hypothermia after breaking up a bonfire. Most of the bonfire attendees were minors, several under the influence of alcohol.