School Begins Amidst Budget Woes | Big Horn Basin Media

School Begins – But Budget Cuts Mean Changes

Written by on August 22, 2017

It’s the first day of school for Park County School District 6, and due to severe budget cuts, the students will see a few changes this year.
District Superintendent Ray Shulte says that because of the statewide funding deficit, the district was forced to make cuts totaling around $1 million dollars, which mostly came from supplies and staffing cuts. As a result, there are fewer teachers and staff this year.

Some career tech offerings were eliminated at the middle school due to staffing shortages, according to Shulte, but no activities or athletic programs were cut. However, activity fees did increase. But Shulte says that community conversations indicated that parents didn’t mind paying the fees, and some organizations stepped up and offered assistance to students who can’t afford the fees.

Shulte adds that the state will demand more cuts again in the upcoming budget cycle, but there is no indication as to how much more will be required. He says staff has had to pick up more of their retirement contributions – which means that their take home pay will be reduced.

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