School District Tackles Gun Topic | Big Horn Basin Media

School District Deliberates Gun Issue

Written by on September 28, 2017

The topic of guns in schools is one that is being debated by Park County School District 6 board members.
Superintendent Ray Schulte says that the Wyoming Department of Education will be releasing a set of guidelines that schools should follow when considering the idea of armed personnel in schools. He says that at their October 3rd work session, the board will discuss the topic with law enforcement officials.

School Board Member Scott Weber, who owns a firearms business in Cody, is part of the task force that is working on the state guidelines. He says that the non-regulation, guidance document will be released October 1st, but says that the board is doing everything in the right order, including consulting with local law enforcement officials and the District’s legal counsel.

Weber added that there have already been comments from the community speaking against the idea of having armed personnel in school, although he points out that there already is an armed law enforcement officer assigned to the schools. Officer Rayna Wortham has an office at Cody High School.
Shulte says that once the guidelines are in place, then conversations with the community will be better able to be facilitated, which may be sometime in November.

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