S&S Builders to Restore Sheridan Avenue | Big Horn Basin Media

S&S Builders to Restore Sheridan Avenue

Written by on December 6, 2019

The bid has been awarded for 2020’s $4.93 million dollar Sheridan Avenue project.

S&S Builders LLC of Gillette was awarded the Sheridan Avenue concrete rehabilitation project on November 21st. The project be done several phases, all between 10th Street and Stampede Avenue. This is the first significant maintenance on Sheridan Avenue to be undertaken in 33 years. If it delayed any longer, the road will continue to deteriorate until it will require full reconstruction.

Phase 1 of the project will begin on March 2020 – all work from 10th Street to 14th Street will be completed by June 15, 2020. And then – nothing. As part of the contract for the bid, S&S Builders can do no work between June 15th and August 24th. The reason is obvious – nobody wants Sheridan torn up during tourist season.

There will be no traffic cones or equipment on Sheridan during this break.

There will be a public meeting sometime in February or early March to brief citizens and businesses on the project. Until then, look for #CodyImprovements – the official project hashtag – and stay tuned to KODI for developments as they happen.

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