Chuck Gray | Big Horn Basin Media

Chuck Gray

Chuck Gray, the Secretary of State for Wyoming, recently established a revised data sharing agreement with the Department of Health’s Vital Statistics Services that aims to speed up the process of removing deceased voters from Wyoming’s voter registry by reducing the time it takes to receive and process mortality records. Previously, it could take up…

After taking the oath of office for his second term, Governor Mark Gordon delivered his Second Inaugural Address, pledging to continue to fight for Wyoming values, and calling on citizens to work together to build the state’s future.  The Governor’s speech encouraged engaging with those who hold differing views and laid out a vision for…

In a recent Wyoming Republican Secretary of State 2022 candidate forum hosted at the Boys and Girls Club in Casper, Sen. Tara Nethercott, R-Cheyenne, and Rep. Chuck Gray, R-Casper, sparred over questions of election integrity. The Secretary of State is elected to a four-year term and oversees the administration of matters that include the registration…

State Representative Chuck Gray is running for Secretary of State for Wyoming.  He came on SYP to discuss election integrity of Wyoming, banning ballot boxes and what ballot harvesting is.  Chuck also spoke about the Second Amendment and how he would work with Governor Mark Gordon.

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