Dead Indian Pass
Shoshone National Forest officials are planning to burn thousands of acres in the northern half of the forest this spring. While exact times and dates aren’t avaialble, regional residents night see some smoky skies earlier than they might anticipate. Weather will dictate when and where fire management personnel complete the prescribed burns. During these yet-to-be-determined…
Adverse weather kept W.Y.D.O.T. busy this weekend, as crews saved stranded drivers while clearing major highways of several feet of snow and falling rocks. Memorial Day 2022 was wet and cold in northwest Wyoming. However, the weather was severe enough that many drivers got caught in the snow at higher elevations, needing help from W.Y.D.O.T.…
The recent cold weather slowed things down, but Phase 2 of the Sheridan Avenue rehabilitation project is still moving forward and on track to stay on schedule. Cody Beers, WYDOT Public Relations Specialist, says the recent sub-zero temperatures delayed their efforts a few days. Forecasts call for consistently higher temperatures this week and beyond, so…