SWE | Big Horn Basin Media


While snowpack is building across Wyoming, the long-range forecast for Winter 2022-2023 isn’t exactly matching up with the current weather – or is it? The current winter season has already been a roller coaster in many ways. Yet, as the season progresses, the temperatures and conditions experienced don’t seem to match the long-range forecast for…

There’s not a lot of good news in the latest Wyoming Water Supply Outlook, as the impacts of an abnormally warm winter are becoming more apparent. The Wyoming Natural Resources Conservation Service released an updated hydrologic report on April 7. Overall, it’s not looking good. “A majority of basins across Wyoming had an average of…

Winter weather conditions leave Wyoming with above-average precipitation, below-average snowpack, and a good chance but no guarantee of average spring runoff. The Natural Resources Conservation Service has released its Wyoming Water Supply Outlook for February 2022. The report is a hydrologic forecast based on the weather, climate, and snowpack across the state. Numbers in the…

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