Sweetwater County | Big Horn Basin Media

Sweetwater County

There is a movement here in Wyoming to stop the Federal Government, using the Bureau of Land Management, to attain over a million acres of land down in Sweetwater County and make it inaccessible to any one, persons, or companies. There is also a people’s initiative concerning property tax valuations and how much tax you…

The Sweetwater County Sheriff”s Office will be auctioning an array of abandoned vehicles on Tuesday, July 11. According to the department’s Facebook page, the following cars will be available to bid on: – 2007 Dodge Caliber (starting bid of $100) – 2018 Chevrolet Traverse (starting bid of $100) – 2005 Chevrolet Impala (starting bid of…

An investigation into an officer-involved shooting that occurred between Cody and Powell in August 2022 has concluded with an official report from the Sweetwater County Prosecuting Attorney. After reviewing the evidence provided, it was determined that Park County Sheriff Lieutenant Mark Hartman’s use of deadly force – which resulted in the death of Jack McGlothlin –…

Campfires, smoking, and other fire-related activities are permitted on B.L.M. lands in western and central Wyoming, although wildfires can still grow out of control if flames are handled carelessly. Effective Friday, Sept. 16, the Bureau of Land Management lifted fire restrictions on all public lands administered by the Cody, Lander, and Worland field offices within…

The U.S. Department of the Interior has rechristened almost 650 summits, streams, and other landmarks to remove a derogatory term for indigenous women from all federal maps. Last week, the Department of the Interior today announced the Board on Geographic Names (BGN) has voted on the final replacement names for nearly 650 geographic features nationwide…

The B.L.M. is permitting the first-of-its-kind construction of underground infrastructure for carbon capture on public lands in two Wyoming counties, benefitting the state’s efforts to grow the industry. In a significant milestone in the Biden-Harris administration’s efforts to combat the climate crisis, the Bureau of Land Management has approved ExxonMobil Corporation’s proposal to sequester carbon…

Effective July 28, every county in the Bighorn Basin – and several others in western and central Wyoming – will be under Stage One Fire Restrictions due to high fire danger. Due to dry conditions and high fire danger, Stage 1 Fire Restrictions will begin July 28 on public lands administered by the Bureau of…

With more moisture in the air and the ground, Stage One Fire Restrictions have been lifted on B.L.M. lands in the Bighorn Basin and throughout western Wyoming. At midnight on Tuesday, Aug. 31, the Bureau of Land Management – Wyoming lifted fire restrictions on all public lands administered by the Cody, Lander, and Worland field…

The B.L.M. is enacting fire protections on its lands in several Wyoming counties to avoid potential human-caused wildfires during an increasingly dry summer. Due to dry conditions and high fire danger, Stage 1 Fire Restrictions will begin June 30 on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management Wind River/Bighorn Basin District’s Cody, Lander,…

Local governments across Wyoming will be receiving millions of dollars in payment in lieu of taxes from the U.S. Department of the Interior. On Thursday, June 24, Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland announced 23 local governments in Wyoming will receive $31.2 million in Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) funding for 2021. P.I.L.T. are…

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