Water | Big Horn Basin Media


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The Buffalo Bill Reservoir will not reach capacity this year, as the Bighorn Basin continues to endure drought conditions and less snowpack runoff in 2021. On June 22, the Bureau of Reclamation released its snowmelt forecast for Bighorn River Basin. Across the board, forecast volume for reservoirs throughout the Bighorn Basin are below the 30-year…

When it comes to monikers for natural landmarks, Wyoming seems to find inspiration from the same few sources: sheep, springs, and mud. The Wyoming State Geological Survey releases a quarterly newsletter called “Geo-Notes.” It’s an account of the activities of the survey and its staff, often involving fossil fuels and mapping. The Spring 2021 newsletter…

After years of construction, the replacement and restoration project is complete and ready for a better future for the visitors and environment of Yellowstone. Summer 2021 is already destined to be busy in Yellowstone National Park. In addition to the potential for another record-breaking year, park officials are embarking on several significant construction projects. Work…

As the flow of water from the Buffalo Bill Reservoir and into the Shoshone River increases, Cody residents are asked to stay safe near the rushing water. Every spring, snowmelt from the mountains flows into the Buffalo Bill Reservoir. To ensure that runoff is contained without damaging the reservoir, flushing flows occur downstream into the…

Well, the moon isn’t made of cheese, but this latest discovery is still pretty cool. Nasa announced on Monday that they had found water on the sunlit surface of the moon.  With this discovery, it also indicates that water may be distributed across the whole surface of the moon, not just shadowy and dark areas. …

While the weather is getting colder and swimming isn’t on most people’s minds, the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality wants to ensure everyone avoids the hazards still posed by harmful cyanobacterial blooms. The department issued recreational use advisories for 21 Wyoming lakes and reservoirs throughout the 2020 season, including advisories at the Buffalo Bill Reservoir…

There’s a lot of water coming off the mountains this year. The Bureau of Reclamation has released their updated analysis of the predicted April through July runoff in the Bighorn Basin. This report has been released several times over the past few months, as weather and increasing snowpack has changed the anticipated amount of water…

The flushing time of year is here. The Bureau of Land Reclamation has scheduled a flushing flow in both the Wind River and Bighorn River at the end of March. The average inflows into the Boysen Reservoir are higher than anticipated, which has become something of a regularity in recent years. This flush is designed…

We might call it Rattlesnake Mountain, but several organizations spent 2019 making it a lot less deadly for Cody’s wildlife. It doesn’t just serve as one of the iconic peaks of Cody – Rattlesnake Mountain is considered high-quality year-round habitat for elk, moose, mule and whitetail deer, black bear, grizzly bear, blue grouse and turkey.…

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