Trustee Stefanie Bell's Letter to Rachel Rodriguez-Williams

Trustee Stefanie Bell’s Letter to Rep. Rachel Rodriguez-Williams

Written by on November 28, 2022

On October 18th, 2022, Cody conservatives held a Lunch Hour Rally — “Pushing back against sexualizing children in K-12 public education.” The event was meant to marshal support to limit certain kinds of content from public schools regarded as overly sexualized, which includes specific books available in school libraries.

Representative Rachel Rodriguez-Williams of House District 50 in the Wyoming State Legislature introduced each speaker at the campaign rally back in October titled “Protecting the Innocence of Children.” Speakers at the rally included folks like David Iverson, host of the Cowboy State Politics podcast, and gubernatorial candidate Brent Bien.

The rally was well attended by the public and several media outlets. Williams’ speech focused on Comprehensive Sexuality Education programs, Parental Rights, and the efforts of the National Education Association LGBTQ+ Caucus.

It’s no secret that across the state of Wyoming taxpayers are concerned about public education. Topics like historical revisionism, Critical Race Theory, political correctness, and a rejection of Wyoming values have come to the forefront of discussions from Wyoming residents when it comes to public education.

However, on October 24th, 2022, Representative Williams’ “minor daughter” was served a letter written by Park County School District No. 6 board vice-chair Stefanie Bell at their home. Bell says the letter was not sent to Williams’ daughter.

In the letter, Trustee Bell accuses Williams of using “false and defamatory language” directed toward “elected members” of the PCSD#6 Board of Trustees. Bell has officially asked Williams to “clarify your position.”

Legal counsel for Representative Williams responded to the Trustees expressing “deep concern regarding the tone and content” of the letter written by Bell. In a statement, Williams said, “I remain committed to protecting the innocence of children and listening to the people’s concerns.”

KODI Radio received a copy of Trustee Bell’s letter. A copy is provided below.

The issue is now in full view of the public as Representative Williams feels her “lawmakers’ freedom” is “under attack,” according to a press release provided by Williams. Both Bell and Williams are currently consulting legal counsel.

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