Winterfest Family Fun Day at Buffalo Bill Center of the West | Big Horn Basin Media

Winterfest Family Fun Day at Buffalo Bill Center of the West

Written by on January 16, 2023

The Buffalo Bill Center of the West invites families to leave cabin fever behind and bring the kids to a Winterfest Family Fun Day on Friday, January 20 from 3–7 p.m. Participants can drop in anytime during the hours of 3-7 p.m. to find “wintry-themed activities throughout the Center’s museums,” the Center says.

According the Center of the West, dinner will be available for the first “175 participants” from 5 – 6:30 p.m.

The Family Fun Day is being put on by the Center’s Interpretive Education Department and coordinated by Interpretive Specialist Emily Buckles. Activities include a hands-on winter tracking project, storytelling, various crafts, photo ops, and sightings of the live birds of the Center’s Draper Museum Raptor Experience.

Winterfest is free for Buffalo Bill Center of the West members, and just $20 for non-member families. Educational programs at the Center are partially supported by a grant from the R. Harold Burton Foundation.


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