WYDOT Studies Chief Joseph Slide
Written by Andrew-Rossi on October 19, 2017
Motorists traveling the Chief Joseph Scenic Highway this month are warned to expect delays as the Wyoming Department of Transportation moves a drilling rig with a helicopter in an attempt to further study the landslide on Highway 296.
Wyoming Department of Transportation district engineer Pete Hallsten said motorists should expect traffic delays of up to 20 minutes while the helicopter is moving the drilling rig from one location to another. However, Hallsten adds that the delays will happen only four times in a ten day period.
Drilling started Tuesday on the study, which will determine what repairs are needed to rebuild the highway through the slide area. WYDOT drilling of the actual slide area is scheduled to begin Oct. 23 and should take two to three weeks to complete.
The Chief Joe Slide is near Dead Indian Creek, about 26.1 miles from Wyoming 296’s intersection with Wyoming 120, northwest of Cody. The highway is open through a modified detour, with a lane open in each direction around the east edge of the slide.