Yellowstone Regional Airport Flying Higher Despite Pandemic | Big Horn Basin Media

Yellowstone Regional Airport Flying Higher Despite Pandemic

Written by on May 27, 2020

Things are getting busier at Yellowstone Regional Airport.

After the typical seasonal slowdowns and the COVDI-19 closures and cancellations devastating the airline industry, it seems that things are beginning to look up at Cody’s airport. Bob Hooper, the Director of Yellowstone Regional Airport, reports that last weeks’ total number of passengers were over 100 – a first for 2020. It’s the first week where things have begun to consistently pick up. So much so that beginning on June 19th, United will beginning offer a Friday flight.

This is one of several positive signs of life at Yellowstone Regional. The airport has been enjoying an upward trend in flyers, with 2019 being a record-setting year in terms of enplanements. Delta and SkyWest have committed to resuming its Salt Lake City flights during the summer season, in spite of the flattering numbers due to COVID-19. And the recent influx of millions of CARES Act funding is going towards the numerous infrastructure projects already in the airport’s master plan.

It seems Yellowstone Regional Airport hasn’t been grounded by COVID-19, and continues to fly higher as the year progresses.

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