Yellowtail Dam Releases 4x Higher Than Normal
Written by Andrew-Rossi on April 28, 2017
If you’re looking for a rush, look no further than Yellowtail Dam this weekend.
Releases from Yellowtail Dam to the Bighorn River are currently at 12,000 cubic feet per second, about four times higher than the average rate for this time of year.
The Bureau of Reclamation says that based on current projections and the expectation of near record runoff, Bighorn Lake will be lowered about six more feet in May to prepare for peak run-off. And releases from Yellowtail Dam are projected to stay at these high levels through June and into July. Bighorn Lake is expected to fill to the normal full level of 3640.0 feet in July.
Steve Davies, Bureau of Reclamation Montana Area Manager, said that inflows into Bighorn Lake have been at record amounts for the past two months.