Arrowhead Lodge Looks to Expand Services
Written by Andrew-Rossi on November 2, 2017
Arrowhead Lodge in the Bighorn Mountains is looking to expand their services to winter guiding.
The owners of the Lodge have submitted an application for a priority use permit to guide snowmobile, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing trips from December 15 through April 1 annually.
According to a release from the Bighorn National Forest, permitted snowmobile trips would be conducted across the forest in areas open to snowmobiling, for about 224 days in the year. Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing would be conducted at Sibley and Cutler Nordic trails and in the Turkey Creek non-motorized area, for about 40 service days.
Comments will be accepted just through November 30th. For more information, contact Cheri Jones at (307) 674-2652.