Wendy Corr | Big Horn Basin Media

Author: Wendy Corr

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One of the most common concerns about switching to a healthier lifestyle is always time – in our fast-paced society, time is precious! So how do you eat healthy when you’re too busy already? I’m Wendy Corr, and I’ll give you some ideas in today’s wellness tip. I really understand what it’s like to have…

The average American drinks about 56 GALLONS of soda a year. Some people actually drink more soda than water each day – and this can severely impact your health! I’m Wendy Corr, with your daily wellness tip. Soft drinks are a multi-billion dollar product, and they account for a quarter of all beverages consumed in…

Although science has proven that you don’t need a full-blown hour-long strenuous workout every day, movement is necessary for our health. And because so many of us spend our workdays sitting in front of a desk, and our evenings in front of a television, we are actually harming our health! I’m Wendy Corr, and in…

A huge portion of our lives revolves around our professions. So when it comes to being the healthiest version of ourselves, creating healthy habits around the office is an integral piece of the puzzle. I’m Wendy Corr, and in today’s Wellness Tip, I’ll help you identify ways in which you can have fewer sick days and a…

For many people, when they decide it’s time to lose weight, they want to see instant results – however, that’s not the healthy way to go in the long run! In this case, slow and steady really does win the race. I’m Wendy Corr, with today’s wellness tip! In America, about 68 percent of people…

I get it – you’ve heard it all. You KNOW that it’s better to eat whole foods. You KNOW that you need to exercise more. You’ve got the workout plan, you’ve got the meal plan. But you just need to get started! I’m Wendy Corr, and in today’s wellness tip, I’ll give you some ideas…

Often we find that we have the best intentions to act out healthy behaviors… but after a while, it becomes harder and harder to defend against the temptations of food and the couch. Willpower can be difficult to maintain – but there are ways you can learn to overcome! I’m Wendy Corr, with your daily…

When it comes to weight loss, tracking how much you eat and exercise is the key to success! If you don’t know what and how much you’re eating, or how often and how intense you’re working out, how will you know where you need to make changes? I’m Wendy Corr, with your daily wellness tip.…

Sometimes the idea of making changes to your health just seems overwhelming. I mean, really, where do you start? I’m Wendy Corr, and in today’s wellness tip, I’ll give you some small changes that will equal big results! When I’m working with my nutrition clients, we start with some basics – swapping out processed food…

You can try counting calories and spend extra time at the gym, but if you’re not sleeping well, your efforts to lose weight or get healthy will stall. I’m Wendy Corr, with your daily wellness tip! If you’ve ever spent a sleepless night, you know how much that hampers your ability to function the next…

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