Author: Wendy Corr
Page: 14
Have you ever found yourself eating something that you know you probably shouldn’t be eating but then telling yourself, It’s okay, I’ll go to the gym later and burn this off. But is there any truth to this theory? I’m Wendy Corr, with your daily Wellness Tip! Often we operate under the myth that if…
Food is essential to human survival and is an important aspect of our wellness, in addition to a means of pleasure and enjoyment. However, for many people, food can become as addictive as drugs are to a substance abuser. How can you overcome food addiction? I’m Wendy Corr, with your daily wellness tip! Obviously, if…
15 Minutes Can Burn 100 Calories OR MORE! No, this isn’t a Geico commercial… Studies have shown that if you move quickly for just 15 minutes, you can burn up to 125 calories, slash stress, and as a result, curb sugar cravings. I’m Wendy Corr, with your Daily Wellness Tip! So, TRUE CONFESSION TIME… I’m…
Most people don’t understand how important thoughts are! They influence every cell in your body – which is why it’s important to keep your thoughts positive. I’m Wendy Corr, with your Daily Wellness Tip! Every time you have a thought, your brain releases chemicals. That’s how your brain works – you have a thought, an…
How often do you get started with enthusiasm for a healthy plan, only to find yourself losing interest after just a few days or weeks? What you’re lacking is MOTIVATION. I’m Wendy Corr, and I’ve got several tips on how you can keep yourself interested and moving forward on your healthy journey! I can’t even…
It’s often difficult to eat healthy all the time. But the health benefits of choosing whole, natural foods over heavily processed fast food or convenience products far outweigh the negatives! So where do you begin? I’m Wendy Corr, with your daily wellness tip! About one-third of U.S. adults are obese and approximately 17% of children…
Did you know that Americans gain between one to two pounds during the holidays? And if you’re not disciplined afterwards to take those pounds off, they’ll add up over the years. Fortunately, there IS a way to avoid gaining weight between now and the first of the year. I’m Wendy Corr, and in today’s Wellness…
It’s every parents’ nightmare: you sit down to a holiday meal with family and friends, and your picky eater throws a mealtime tantrum. How can you make healthy holiday fare, and still get your kids to like the food? I’m Wendy Corr, and for today’s Wellness Tip, we’ll talk about getting your picky eaters to…
It’s that time of year when sniffles, aches, colds and germs are everywhere! But you don’t have to fall victim to illness this season – there are so many different ways that you can naturally prevent the flu from taking hold. I’m Wendy Corr, and in today’s Wellness Tip I’ll give you some ideas to…
You stick to your diet all day and eat healthy, well-balanced meals. Then, the evening comes and you find yourself making trip after trip to the refrigerator or cupboards to eat food that you don’t really need. Does this sound familiar? If it does, you’re not alone. I’m Wendy Corr, and in today’s wellness tip…