Wendy Corr | Big Horn Basin Media

Author: Wendy Corr

Page: 8

Chronic inflammation. Fatigue. Food intolerances. Gut-based disorders. Allergies. Do any of these ailments hit home with you? And did you know that much of the discomfort that comes with these disorders can be treated simply by changing what you eat? I’m Wendy Corr, with your daily wellness tip! We digest and absorb nearly 97% of…

Stress is normal, especially in our society – and it can be useful. But if it becomes overwhelming, your health and your relationships can suffer! I’m Wendy Corr, with health and wellness news you can use! Stress is a normal part of life. At times, it can be useful. Stress can motivate you to meet…

There is a lot of debate over which exercise is the BEST. Cardio or strength training, marathons or kickboxing… so many choices! What should you do? The answer: coming up in just a minute. I’m Wendy Corr, with your daily wellness tip! If you’re not an athlete or serious exerciser — and you just want…

You might already be walking regularly, even daily, but are you actually moving enough? Really, even if you exercise for a half hour per day, that’s still only just over 4% of your day spent moving — and that’s not great if the rest of your time is spent sedentary. I’m Wendy Corr, and in…

Most people take drinking water for granted, but keeping hydrated has a huge impact on overall health. And despite how important water is, many people fail to drink enough fluids each day. I’m Wendy Corr, with your daily wellness tip. In a 2007 survey of 3400 adults, researchers found that 7 percent of adults reported…

Planning meals is an activity that can bring SO MANY benefits! Whether you’re cooking for one, for two, or for your entire family, taking the time to sit down and plan future meals will not only save you time, effort and money, but will also improve your eating habits – and will help you spend…

How many of you feel like your life is a series of crises? Putting out fires is your job – but you spend much of your time tired, overwhelmed and frustrated? I’m Wendy Corr, and in today’s Wellness Tip, I’ll show you that it IS possible to live a structured life in a chaotic world.…

There are so many reasons why we should pay attention to what we eat. The processed foods many of us consume regularly may be convenient and tasty, but they compromise our health. I’m Wendy Corr, and in today’s Wellness Tip, we’re going to highlight the idea that the food you eat can affect your health…

Why, oh why, is it so hard to lose weight? It’s so easy to put on, but takes so much effort to take off – and it doesn’t stay away! The trick is to change your habits. I’m Wendy Corr, and in today’s Wellness Tip, I’ll give you a few simple steps to take that…

Health isn’t just defined by the absence of disease – more than 60 years ago, the World Health Organization defined health as a “state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” I’m Wendy Corr, and in today’s Wellness Tip, I’ll bring you ideas that can help…

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