Andrew-Rossi | Big Horn Basin Media

Author: Andrew-Rossi

Page: 168

 It’s for a bird!! Its for a buck! It’s Super Tag! Yes, once again it’s time for The Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s Super Tag raffle. Since 2014, the raffles have raised nearly $5 million for wildlife conservation and big game management in Wyoming. 2019’s Super Tag raffle raised over $1 million dollars alone. This…

Wyoming families can begin kindergarten training at home. For free! The non-profit Waterford, an early education nonprofit with a mission to achieve universal literacy for children through equity, access, and parent empowerment, has received a $14.2 million federal grant from the United States Department of Education The Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Expansion Grant was…

Want to keep your teenager out of the house this summer? Give them to Yellowstone. The Park is now recruiting for the 2020 Youth Conservation Corp, a residential work-based education program for young men and women between the ages of 15 and 18. Corps members work together with National Park Service staff to complete a…

You might want to shout your love from the mountaintops this Valentine’s Day, but you’ll have a hard time doing it this year. This Valentine’s Day is going to be a little louder than normal. Park County Homeland Security Director Jack Tatum says that the emergency sirens in the City of Cody will be tested…

A new year means new opportunities to better yourself and our community. The Park County Community Health Coalition is holding its next community meeting today, February 6th, in Powell. This meeting will update the community on the work of the Powell Valley Healthcare, Cody Regional Health, Park County Public Health and Heritage Health Center. The…

Was that smoke coming from Southfork earlier this week? Yes. Shonshone National Forest fire and fuels crews were burning some slash piles between Legg Creek and Cabin Creek in the corridor of the South Fork of the Shoshone River. Kristie Salvmann, Public Information Officer for the Forest, explains that this is a fairly safe practice…

It might be February, but seasonal jobs are already cropping up for the summer. Wyoming Game and Fish has posted a number of seasonal positions within the department across the state. The positions are mostly centered around animals, surprisingly. But some might attract more attention than others. Yoder and Sheridan are in need of Bird…

It will cost you a few more bucks to dispose of your trash. Park County Landfills has announced their minimum fee use will increase to $5 dollars for all load deliver to the regional landfills in Cody, Powell, and Clark. Even loads previously accepted for free will be charged. That being said, there will be…

Everyone is invited to an important meeting on the Sheridan Avenue Project. The public meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 13, in the Cody Auditorium. The meeting will be hosted by S& S Builders of Gillette, the prime contractor awarded the bid for the project, and the Wyoming Department of Transportation. This…

Wyoming is once again making its case for hemp. The Wyoming Department of Agriculture submitted its revised state plan for delegated authority to regulate the hemp industry to the United States Department of Agriculture. The USDA established the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program in October of 2019, based on the Farm Bill Congress passed in…

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