Contact Tracing Scam Calls Could Plauge Park County Residents | Big Horn Basin Media

Contact Tracing Scam Calls Could Plauge Park County Residents

Written by on July 16, 2020

If you get contacted by a contact tracer, make sure it’s a real contact tracer.

If you were exposed to a positively confirmed case of COVID-19, you will be getting a call from a contact tracerm wither from the Wyoming State Department of Health or Park County Public Health – which recently hired two part-time tracers in light of the country’s case surge. Unfortunately, there are some people who will take advantage of any situation to cam and cheat people out of there money. There have been reports of scams involving people posing as contact tracers and soliciting sensitive information from susceptible people.

An official contact tracer will ask you a series of questions about yourself and your virus exposure: physical addresses, birthdates, phone numbers and where you have been, whom you have been in contact with, if you have symptoms, medical history, and possible isolation and quarantine orders.  Their goal is simply to stop the spread of the virus. A real contact tracer will never ask for your bank account numbers, money, medical insurance information or social security numbers.  That information will not help stop COVID-19, but it will cause you a different kind of despair.

Call Public Health at Cody 527-8573 or Powell 754-8870 if you have any concerns or questions about a contract tracing call.


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