Goal Setting
Written by Wendy Corr on March 29, 2017
Do you have goals? As in, something that you want to achieve in this life before you leave it?
I have several, and I’m on my way to reaching them! For today’s daily wellness tip, I’m going to help you learn how to identify and achieve YOUR goals – because wellness isn’t just about your physical health, it’s about your spiritual and emotional balance, too!
I have a list of goals that I review every morning. To give you an idea, just a few on my list are to be debt free, to pay for my kids’ education, buy an RV and travel the country, and become a certified aromatherapist. But I’ve also already achieved goals that I set years ago – like being a professional musician, and becoming a certified holistic nutritionist.
As you can tell, my goals span years – from something that could be accomplished next year, to things I want to be able to do in 5, 10 or 20 years. But I have a TARGET for each goal of mine – and those targets are SMART. Smart as in – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.
If you give someone a bow and arrow and tell them to, “SHOOT!”, their first response would be, “At what?” When there is no target, there is no purpose, no reason to challenge yourself. In the immortal words of Yogi Berra, “if you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.”
On the other hand, if you point to a target and challenge them to hit the bullseye – everything changes. That’s what a goal does to a person’s life – it changes everything.
My challenge to you today is to set ONE smart and focused goal that you can commit to achieving with your whole heart. Whether it’s to lose weight, start saving for retirement, earn a degree or contribute to a charity, give yourself a tangible target. Write it down, and put notes in places where you’ll be reminded of your goal every day, like your refrigerator, your bathroom mirror, or the dashboard of your car. And then, tell someone about it! An accountability partner can help keep you on track when you lose your momentum.
Thanks for tuning in to Wellness with Wendy! I’m a certified holistic nutritionist, a mom, an entertainer and a radio personality – so finding balance is the key to my life. I love sharing tips and tricks to help you live your best life – so for more health and wellness news and advice, follow my blog on mybighornbasin.com. See you again tomorrow for Wellness with Wendy!