Local NRA Rep Supports North as Organization’s President
Written by Andrew-Rossi on May 9, 2018
The National Rifle Association has named its new president, and a local member of the organization is completely supportive of the decision.
Oliver North, the Fox News contributor and central figure in the Iran-Contra scandal, will be the National Rifle Association’s new president, the group announced Monday. North will become president within a few weeks, and is retiring from his position at Fox News, effective immediately.
Ashlee Lundvall, local author and disabled hunting activist, was at last week’s 147th annual meeting in Dallas. Lundvall serves in the national organization on the outreach committee as well as the disabled shooting sports committee, and believes that North was an inspired choice.
Lundvall says that the National Rifle Association is often stereotyped, but she says the organization is actually very diverse, with members from all demographics.
While at the conference, Lundvall says she sat in on committee meetings, heard updates as to what the NRA is planning for this year, and visited with vendors regarding products that can help people with disabilities.