Chief of Police | Big Horn Basin Media

Chief of Police

After seven years of dedicated service to the Cody community and a 43-year-long career, Cody Chief of Police Chuck Baker has announced his retirement from the Cody Police Department, effective June 30. Baker formally announced his decision to retire – after several months of consideration – at the June 6 meeting of the Cody City…

Officers of the Greybull Police Department are looking for a woman with pending charges in an ongoing animal hoarding and animal neglect case. According to Greybull Chief of Police, Bill Brenner, the woman is facing “30 to 40” criminal charges. “It’s the most horrific case I’ve ever seen of animal neglect,” Brenner says. As of…

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation designating May 15th of each year as Peace Officers Memorial Day while also establishing National Police Week. More than 800,000 full-time law enforcement officers serve in communities across the U.S. and this includes the dedicated men and women of the Cody Police Department who play an…

Cody’s leaders have a new way to reach out to their community, thanks to a monthly digital newsletter that will be available to all Cody residents. April 2021 marks the beginning of a new chapter for the City of Cody. On Friday, April 16, the city released the first edition of its new monthly newsletter.…

A vehicle forcing its way through the Sheridan Avenue work zone could lead to increased law enforcement to ensure worker safety. WYDOT spokesman Cody Beers related the harrowing incident where a pickup truck forced into the work zone, despite the signs and barriers designating the road was closed. Around 5:30 p.m. Monday evening, a pickup…

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