COVID-19 | Big Horn Basin Media


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A COVID-19 outbreak is linked to a political event in a Cody restaurant. This afternoon, Park County Public Health Officer Dr. Aaron Billin confirmed that there was a significant exposure to COVID-19 at a political event held at a downtown Cody restaurant on Sunday, July 19th. So far, 5 positive tests have come back from…

If you get contacted by a contact tracer, make sure it’s a real contact tracer. If you were exposed to a positively confirmed case of COVID-19, you will be getting a call from a contact tracerm wither from the Wyoming State Department of Health or Park County Public Health – which recently hired two part-time…

It seems Wyoming is seeing as much Yellowstone traffic as it ever has, from a certain point of views. The latest Yellowstone visitation statistics for the period between June 16th – 29th showed some surprising numbers. Overall visitation percentage thru all 5 gates for this period was 89% of 2019’s average. Not a bad showing.…

The Cody Senior Center is taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of Cody’s seniors. When it was revealed that a staff member had had recent exposure to someone being tested for COVID-19, it was decided that this was not an opportunity to take chances. Jenni Johnstone-Smith, executive director of the Cody Senior Center, decided…

If you want to avoid COVID-19, avoid large gatherings. The Park County Incident Management Team released a statement this week regarding the surge and rapid spread of COVID-19 cases in our county. The tone is urgent – we can stop the spread and get a handle on the virus if we consciously act now. You…

Park County’s COVID count continues to crawl upward. The COVID-19 counter in Park County continues to be rising at a fairly alarming rate. The last update from Park County Health Officer Dr. Aaron Billin laid it out in fairly simple numbers: 32 lab confirmed cases (with 8 new cases in 48 hours) plus 5 probable…

6 cases in 48 hours. Park County Health Officer Dr. Aaron Billin shared more details on the alarming uptick in Park County cases of COVID-19. On Monday and Tuesday, 6 new cases were confirmed at Powell Valley Health Care. In this case, all the cases make up a single cluster, and all are related to…

One more case and more information on Cody’s COVID conundrum. Park County Health Officer Dr. Aaron Billin has confirmed another new case of COVID-19 in Cody, this time in an adult female resident. The case was confirmed at Powell Valley Healthcare yesterday. But these is a common thread between most of these cases. Of the…

It’s in Cody. This morning, Park County Public Health Officer Dr. Aaron Billin confirmed that a third Cody man has tested positive for COVID-19 at Powell Valley Healthcare. This means there are now 3 active COVID-19 cases in Cody, and two more active cases in Powell – 5 active cases in Park County as of…

It has been hard to do any grand re-openings following COVID-19 due to the precautions that have to be taken when reopening any business and that includes the Shoshone National Forest as well. In order to remain safe, the park will keep some facilities closed such as restrooms and picnic areas. Just because the facilities…

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