Wyoming Republican Party Rejects Any “Gun Safety” Bill in US Congress
Written by Andrew-Rossi on June 13, 2022
As a bipartisan resolution is reached in the U.S. Senate, the Wyoming Republican Party declares no measure of “gun safety” is acceptable and must be defeated.
After intense discussions, the U.S. Senate has reached a consensus for a new “gun safety” bill to respond to the recent wave of tragic mass shootings, including the one that killed 19 students and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas.
Aspects of the new bill include funding for the passing and enforcement of “red flag” laws, billions of dollars for mental health and school safety, and closing the “boyfriend loophole,” to prevent anyone convicted of domestic abuse from purchasing a firearm.
While the bill is far from a vote (it hasn’t even been written yet) it currently has the 60 senators needed to avoid the filibuster and pass outright in the U.S. Senate.
Even Wyoming Senator Cynthia Lummis suggested she is “open to suggestions” when it comes to a bill considering reasonable measures of gun safety. Last week, Lummis said her office received a flurry of calls asking her to be open to whatever bipartisan resolution may be reached. However, she adamantly states this in no way changed her stance on gun rights.
Senator Lummis “Open to Suggestions” for Moderate Gun Reform
While news of a bipartisan deal will please many people and agenices pushing for gun reform, not everyone is happy with the prospect. In Wyoming, one group is already advocating for outright rejection of this and any other bill.
The Wyoming Republican Party has already taken a hard stance against any gun safety bill, suggesting any bill is an attack on the 2nd Amendment rights of Wyoming.
A letter was written by Wyoming Republican Party Chairman Frank Eathorne regarding the recent bipartisan gun safety discussions. The letter was sent to party members on Saturday, June 11.
Dear Wyoming Republicans,
Shootings around the country have liberals screaming for gun control. The U.S. House voted this past week to pass a gun control bill and is using the phrase “gun safety” to whittle away at our 2nd Amendment rights.
No! This is not the answer to mass shootings. We have culture and societal problems, not gun problems.
The tragedy of mass killings is real. Lives have been lost and families are suffering. Disarming law-abiding citizens will never prevent violence, however. Criminals will always find ways to arm themselves with the weapons they need to commit their evil deeds. We can’t let their bad actions create sitting ducks of the rest of us. We must retain our right to be armed and ready to counter the attacks of those who would kill without remorse.
WYGOP Platform Plank Three
“The right of individuals to keep and bear arms and ammunition shall not be infringed, restricted, or denied. Individuals must never be prevented from defending life, liberty or property.”
We proudly defend this right for all citizens.
Here’s what YOU can do:
First, pray for the families suffering loss as a result of the actions of violent criminals. They need our support as they grieve.
Next, contact Senators Barrasso and Lummis and tell them to stand strong on 2nd Amendment rights and VOTE NO on misguided gun safety bills, both now and in the future. Remind them that Wyoming supports the 2nd Amendment! Call or email them today!
Gun control does not solve criminal problems. We cannot give up our rights! Act today and contact your U.S. Senators.
Tell them you expect them to stand their ground on liberty.
Keep Wyoming Great,
- Frank Eathorne, Chairman
Wyoming Republican Party
The letter includes the contact information for the Washington D.C. offices of both Wyoming senators John Barrasso and Cynthia Lummis.
Frank Eathorne is currently refuting his alleged involvement in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Photographs taken during the riot show Eathorne much closer to the building than his initial claims.
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