Author: Wendy Corr
Page: 26
What do you think of when you want to treat yourself? Maybe an ice cream cone or a piece of pizza, or two, or three…? Unfortunately, that sort of “treat” really doesn’t treat your body right! I’m Wendy Corr, with your daily Wellness tip. We all “treat” ourselves from time to time. Usually, though, that…
Gluten Free is all the rage. Many people have adopted a gluten free diet, because they’ve heard it’s healthier, or they will lose weight. But not everyone needs to be gluten-free. I’m Wendy Corr, with your daily Wellness tip! If you haven’t already gone gluten-free, I bet you’ve at least thought about it. About one-third…
Most people don’t understand how important thoughts are! They influence every cell in your body – which is why it’s important to keep your thoughts positive. I’m Wendy Corr, with your Daily Wellness Tip! Every time you have a thought, your brain releases chemicals. That’s how your brain works – you have a thought, an…
15 Minutes Can Burn 100 Calories OR MORE! No, this isn’t a Geico commercial… Studies have shown that if you move quickly for just 15 minutes, you can burn up to 125 calories, slash stress, and as a result, curb sugar cravings. I’m Wendy Corr, with your Daily Wellness Tip! So, TRUE CONFESSION TIME… I’m…
For many people, when they decide it’s time to lose weight, they want to see instant results – however, that’s not the healthy way to go in the long run. In this case, slow and steady really does win the race. I’m Wendy Corr, with today’s wellness tip! In America, about 68 percent of people…
It’s often difficult to eat healthy all the time. But the health benefits of choosing whole, natural foods over heavily processed fast food or convenience products far outweigh the negatives! So where do you begin? I’m Wendy Corr, with your daily wellness tip! I got a message on Facebook this morning asking how you can…
Too much sugar consumption can lead to many health dangers, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer… and it is one of the most addictive substances on the planet! So how do you break the hold that sugar has on you? I’m Wendy Corr, with your Daily Wellness Tip! If you are overweight, crave sugar…
One of the reasons I chose to go on an elimination diet was to do a little research on myself. I wanted to find out if there were any foods that I was sensitive to and didn’t know it – and bonus, I have some clients who are doing the same thing! So in an…
Teams in the Big Horn Radio Network’s “Losin’ It At Work” competition have lost over 900 pounds since the competition began – isn't that awesome??? There’s only a week left in the contest, which runs through the middle of February, at a time when many people have lost their momentum. According to estimates, more than…
Good morning! How's your team doing with their efforts to LOSE IT? (extra weight, that is…) Is it time for a RESOLUTION RE-BOOT??? We are well into February. It's been snowing. It's tough to get out to go to the gym or the Rec Center; it's easier to stay inside and watch TV. Right? WRONG!…